Sunday, September 25, 2011

Alesha Escobar (FORMER TEACHER) Letter to the Board.

September 14, 2011

Open Letter to the Community Harvest Charter School Board of Directors: Lourdes Castro Ramirez, Gipson Lyles, Jaime Maldonado

When I  graduated as valedictorian in 1998 from a Math/Science magnet school, with a class of 700 seniors, I realized that I wasn't the only person who had worked hard to get me there--the selfless dedication of my teachers and counselors also played a huge role. One of these counselors was Mr. Kewli Umoja (who was also my AP Calculus teacher), who invited me to come teach at Community Harvest Charter School in the Fall of 2007 as I obtained my Masters degree and teaching credential. 

Without a doubt he taught and led students with the same passion he led me with, and I knew that the opportunity to teach at Community Harvest would be both an honor and a challenge. With excitement I delved into teaching English to middle and high school students, measuring and weighing what I learned in my teaching credential program against the "real world" of teaching. I looked forward to improving myself, coming up with new and innovative methods to delivering content to students, and modeling myself after other educators whom I admired.

Unfortunately this process wasn't nourished by the current administration (Mrs. Gichohi and Ms. Trujillo) nor the board of directors, and this is much to the detriment of bright teachers who could potentially make a difference and the student body. Due to a stressful environment of deception, lack of leadership, political games, and not receiving support (in addition to being asked to change failing grades to passing ones, or being subtly threatened with termination when requesting too long of a maternity leave), I left Community Harvest this year in the Spring. I wasn't surprised to learn that almost all my fellow teachers either quit or were terminated by the current administration.

Ask yourselves, what have you done within the last year (or two) for Community Harvest? Have you upheld the bylaws, oversaw things justly and fairly, or have you been part of the destructive politics that is now dragging the school down? Have you opened the books and paid attention to how much money the current administration is spending on busing students from Los Angeles to Sherman Oaks? Are you aware that the school is in debt?

Have you tracked the test scores from the last three years only to find that they have dropped? Are you concerned that LAUSD may not renew the charter because of this?

Did you know that the current administration misled and lied to teachers, parents, and students on very important issues? How much of this are you aware of but have let slide by? Is this fair? Is this responsible?

Please don't remain board members out of tenacity or spite--do the right thing and resign. Let those who will truly be active in Community Harvest take the reins. You currently sit on the board of directors, yet you are overseeing the school's own destruction thanks to its current administrators. Can you honestly say that you've done your job well? That you should actually continue on, business as usual?

I write this letter not out of animosity, but out of genuine concern for the students I have been challenged by, learned with, laughed with, and cried with. Their education and their futures are at stake. Please consider what is best for them.

With a sad but hopeful heart,

Mrs. Alesha Escobar
Middle School/High School English Teacher (2007-2008)
Middle School Humanities Teacher (2009-2011)
Community Harvest Charter School

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