Attention Community Harvest Board of Directors:
It is with great concern that I submit this letter on behalf of the stakeholders of Community Harvest Charter School.
My name is Cherica Bell and I am a Community Harvest graduate from the class of 2008. My C-Harv experience did not begin in high school; I was a product of New Roads Middle School and apart of the original creation of Community Harvest Charter School. As I look at what was been made of my school, I am deeply saddened. Community Harvest was supposed to be an oasis within an otherwise corrupt community, “our” community, to help better children and any one that came in contact with our school. During my time at C-Harv I learned many lessons that have changed my life, including standing up for what I believe in; whether it was through academics, sports or one of our many elective classes. Because of Community Harvest and its original teaching staff, I have blossomed into the person I am today.
Enough about me, I would like to get to the current issue at hand. My main issue has all to deal with the corrupt motives of the current administrators, and even you as board members. What is so difficult about running a school within the original vision that helped to change the life of many? What type of service is Community Harvest doing to help better our community while being located in Sherman Oaks? I would like to offer an answer: NOTHING. If Community Harvest is a school about the students, why are so many outstanding and dedicated teachers being fired? The foundation of Community Harvest was not only built on students, it was also built on teachers who genuinely cared about every student they came in contact with. C-Harv teachers not only put their all into teaching, but they also made a point to change lives. Yet again, the answer to my question is quite simple: Community Harvest is no longer a school about students.
I have recently found out that CHCS teachers were asked to change the grades of failing students in order to pad the school’s good standings. I truly believe that if students were in an environment that was conducive to learning, there would be little to no failing students, thus alleviating the need to change grades. Going along with this topic, why would Community Harvest administration and board of directors choose to move our school to Sherman Oaks into a building that was move-in ready, but then end up paying $600,000 in repairs to fix-up the campus? That does not sound too move in ready to me. I actually visited the campus 2 years ago was appalled by what I was witnessing. Honestly speaking, the campus looked like old grounds of a seedy motel. How are students supposed to learn in overcrowded and under ventilated classrooms? How are students supposed to participate in dance classes where the rooms are too small to move in? More importantly, how are students supposed to relieve themselves in unfinished restrooms? I think it is now safe to say that Community Harvest was conducive to physical health and is still not an open environment where students can comfortably learn.
According to current administration, CHCS was only supposed to be in Sherman Oaks for one year however, at least four years have passed by and students are still being bused to Sherman Oaks. Yet again this leads me to my main point, how is Community Harvest serving the community, the students and the parents? These parents are trusting CHCS staff with their children but they cannot get their questions answered at parent meetings or student orientations. What type of message is this sending to parents? I hope you are starting to see my point.
In my opinion, current administrators are not the only ones responsible for the demise of Community Harvest Charter School; you, as board members, also have some responsibility in this situation. It seems to me that you have no true concern for the well-being of the students, no regard for the concerns of the parents, and ultimately no belief in the true vision of Community Harvest Charter School. In my eyes, the only thing you are contributing to is our minorities failing in college and in life. Therefore, as a result of your blatant negligence, I am asking that you, as board members, TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF OUR SCHOOL.
With Respect,
Cherica J Bell
Alumni, 2008
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